"Dedicated to Providing the Highest Level of Public Safety Services to our Community"
Benton County Fire District #1
Volunteers Needed!  Click here to apply.

Benton County Fire District #1

Annual Budget


Benton #1 operates under a balanced budget, and has a long history of passing its financial and accountability audits by the State of Washington. We aggressively maintain our apparatus, facilities and equipment to extend their usable lives. We always look for ways to make local tax dollars go further by applying for grants and sharing costs with neighboring agencies. Our fire commissioners are elected by the community, and all board meetings are open to the public.


To read audit reports click here to visit the Office of the Washington State Auditor website and search 'Benton County Fire District 1'.


Total Revenue:  6,132,287

Beg Bal 2022: 973,450

Fire Levy/Bonds: 4,161,742

Intergovernmental: 301,339

Other Revenue: 85,000

Misc:  16,300

Charges for Services:  593,955

Non-Revenue:  500


Total Expenditures:  6,132,287

Salaries:  2,212,549

Carry Forward 2023:  784,792

Other Services: 660,616

Capital: 1,020,775

Benefits: 811,045

Supplies: 398,870

Non-Voted Bond: 74,038

Voted Bond: 169,602